The Stonefields

Powerful collaboration driving educational improvement and equity for all learners

About The Trust

In order to systemically improve learning outcomes for students across New Zealand, as schools, we need to grow capacity to learn with, and from one another. 

The Stonefields Collaborative was born with this in mind. Firstly, as a response to 'new school' visitor demand, and then in acknowledgement of ongoing interest and value; each time based on a philosophy of sharing what we had learned, in an iterative, dialogic manner.

Set up in 2016, its vision is to provoke thought & action about learning and leading that matters, and to be a catalyst for educational improvement through:

What we do

The Stonefields Collaborative is a charitable trust set up ‘to provoke thought & action about learning and leading that matters’. We offer educational consultancy, undertake professional learning with school leaders and teachers, and are accredited as a Ministry of Education PLD provider. 

Our key point of difference is that we operate from the practice base of Stonefields School, in Auckland; leveraging from the broad range of knowledge, expertise, and experience at the school. This gives us a unique opportunity to engage with clients from the perspective of a 'live site', with all the ongoing opportunities and currentness this encompasses.

We are here for schools that are keen to engage collaboratively on change initiatives, problems worth solving, and areas for improvement - to ensure young people are deeply engaged in meaningful and critical learning.

Profits from the Trust are returned to the wider community through annual granting.

If you need support in your PLD journey