Who is the Collaborative? 

Our Trustees

Sarah Martin is the Foundation Principal of Stonefields School. She is a passionate, forward thinking educator and has a real commitment to improving outcomes for all learners, not just those within her school community. She is enthusiastic about ensuring all students develop the necessary competencies to strengthen their capacity to learn, staying focused on students being engaged and successful with learning that matters, as well as questioning the effective teaching practice that causes learning.

With a deep love of all things educational, Sue Vaealiki has an extensive history in executive leadership for teacher education and programme development spanning tertiary and business worlds.

“I am inspired by the passion and innovation that teachers bring to their work to further equitable outcomes for all learners. My aim as Chair is to ensure that the Trust’s initiatives provide opportunities for collaboration amongst educators that creates positive change and great futures for our young people. He waka eke noa”.  

Michael Absolum is the founder and director of Evaluation Associates, author of Clarity in the Classroom, and a thought leader in assessment for learning. Michael is currently directing the Consortium for Professional Learning (CPL) Leadership and Assessment PLD in the Ministry of Education's Southern, Central South and Northern regions. He is also the co-national lead for the Ministry of Education Maori-medium aromatawai (assessment) project. He has a deep knowledge of the New Zealand education system and what it takes to lead an effective school, create inspired and inspiring teachers and enable students to become powerful engaged learners. He is also one of New Zealand's most highly regarded evaluators.

Brenda Martin has been an educator for 30 years, with over 20 of those years in leadership positions.  Her experience includes national and international schools, new schools and those well established.  She has served low and high socio-economic school communities as Tumuaki/ Principal.


As an internationally accredited coach Brenda continues to contribute to education, working across governance, leadership and teacher development. 


She passionately believes that strong relationships and effective communication can build respectful, inclusive learning environments that enable students to succeed.

Melini Fasavalu is from the villages of Salua and Faleū on the island of Manono, Samoa. The migrant dreams of her parents have steered her professional journey of 25+ years of teaching and leading in South Auckland schools. Melini is currently the principal of Waimahia Intermediate School and is committed to growing active learners who are confident in who they are, and have the skills and dispositions to grow themselves and others.